Sanlam and the World Wild Fund (WWF) have entered into a partnership which aims at building awareness around water conservation and improving the management of water resources in South AFrica.The 16 million rand investment was made by the Sanlam Foundation to fund the WWF-SA Freshwater and Marine Programme including education, training, empowerment and job creation in water conservation.
We were tasked with promoting the partnership in and around Sanlam's head office in Cape Town.Graphic treatment included elements of both organization's logo's as well as the signature blue hues.Branding materials included tree and building pillar fabric wraps;vinyl applications to glass on the entrance doors and water feature;posters in lifts and strategic areas;freestanding information boards and directional signage.The information desk outside the CR Louw auditorium was also included in the branding exercise.
We sourced, packaged and distrubuted shower water flow restricters as relevant give-aways. This unique product reduces water consumption by up to 1.66 litres per minute once attached to a shower head.Water coolers were also positioned arond the building with Sanlam's water conservation message.Remarkably, 3 litres of fresh water is used to make 1 litre of bottled water.